SONOCO Workplace

Violence Policy

Safety Management System 2007

SMS P400 2007

It is the policy of SONOCO to promote a safe work environment for its employees. SONOCO is committed to working with its employees to maintain a work environment free from violence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior. While this type of conduct is not pervasive at SONOCO, no company is immune. At any time, a SONOCO operation or location could be affected by such disruptive and unacceptable behavior.

Violence, threats, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior on a SONOCO work site will not be tolerated; that is, all reports of incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with quickly and appropriately. Violence, for our purposes includes physically harming another, shouting, shoving, pushing, harassment, intimidation, coercion, brandishing weapons, oral or written statements, gestures, and expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm. Individuals who commit such acts may be removed from the job site and may be subject to disciplinary action, criminal penalties, or both.

Prompt and accurate reporting of all violent incidents, whether or not physical injury has occurred, is required. SONOCO needs the cooperation of all employees to implement this policy effectively and maintain a safe working environment. Do not ignore violent, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or other disruptive behavior. If you observe or experience such behavior by anyone on a SONOCO job site, whether a SONOCO employee or not, report this behavior to:

SONOCO’s site supervisor, who will report it to:

SONOCO’s Operations Coordinator or Personnel Director

If you do not feel comfortable reporting the threatening behavior to your site supervisor, or if the threatening behavior originates from a site supervisor, you may contact:

SONOCO’s Operations Coordinator or Personnel Director

SONOCO will conduct an investigation of the claim with support from the personnel, operations and safety departments. It is important that all valid disruptive behaviors are reported. All reports will be investigated promptly, and no retaliation of any form shall be taken against the reporter of such conduct. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible consistent with SONOCO’s need to conduct an adequate investigation and to take prompt corrective action to rectify or prevent workplace violence. All employees are required to cooperate in the Company’s investigation.

If you have any questions concerning this policy statement, please contact the SONOCO Personnel Director at (985) 851-0727.