Safety Bonus


Safety Management System 2007

SMS P300 2007

The requirements for earning the SONOCO Safety Bonus are:

  1. Holding safety meetings based on Safety Training Schedule Manual: 3 per week mandatory. These meetings do not include pre-shift or pre-tower meetings. Call for a manual of Training Subjects if one is not on board.
  2. Recording all names, attendance is mandatory
  3. OSHA Recordable incidents (all is lost if an incident occurs on an operation while in attendance)
  4. Definitions for a OSHA Recordable are:

Examples of medical only would be a person having a positive x-ray (broken bone), receiving stitches, being prescribed medication, other than other over-the-counter medicine. An application of hot or cold therapy from a doctor on a second visit (does not mean one time treatment), or second or third degree burns would also be examples.

  1. Recognizing all unsafe conditions and correcting or reporting them.
  2. Recognizing and alerting persons to unsafe acts committed.
  3. Wearing of all required PPE. Not wearing so could cause an accident, resulting in the loss of the bonus for all persons on a job.
  4. There is a minimum number of eight (8) weeks or a total of fifty-six (56) days to be worked for the quarter.
  5. The first calendar month worked by a new hire does not count toward eligibility. It begins with the next month.
  6. If an OSHA accident occurs, all regularly assigned persons on the job where it happened will lose their bonus for that quarter.
  7. After an accident, all involved personnel will re-qualify for their bonus in the quarter following the accident.
  8. Persons (regulars) on their week off from that job will lose their bonus as a result of the accident. It is the team concept.
  9. If an involved person is transferred to another job, re-qualifying for the bonus still begins the next quarter.
  10. If a person does not attend the required safety meetings while he/she is on a job they lose their bonus for that month.
  11. If a person comes out on a job after the meetings have been held for the week, they must take it upon themselves to read two Safety Topics, sign off on them and return them to the office.
  12. Safety meetings must continue to be held on jobs where accidents have occurred for those personnel to be qualified for the next quarter.
  13. All SAFETY MEETING MINUTES must be turned in with the regular paperwork to be recorded.
  14. It is not necessary to fax the meetings in unless there is an unsafe condition or situation to be addressed

No bonus will be paid to any person who is not an employee of SONOCO at time of distribution of the bonus (i.e. person qualifies but quits or is terminated before bonus is paid). A good work attitude is an important part of safety and a poor-work performance is evidence of a poor work attitude, which directly or indirectly affects safety. SONOCO also reserves the right to cancel this program at any time.

If you have questions concerning the SONOCO Safety Bonus Program call the Safety Department at the SONOCO office