Alcohol and Substance

Abuse Policy

Safety Management System 2007

SMS P100 2007

  2. The purpose of this policy is to promote a healthier, safer and more productive workplace, and to ensure that all SONOCO employees comply with customer contractual requirements. The health and welfare of our employees is taken as a serious concern by the management of the company. It is imperative that we promote a working environment that is free from substance and alcohol abuse, respects the dignity of employees, and supports the positive contribution that each employee is capable of making.

    Through the implementation of this policy, we hope to encourage employees who may have alcohol or substance abuse problems to seek treatment and counseling in order to return to the workplace.

  3. SCOPE
  4. This policy covers all employees of SONTHEIMER OFFSHORE/catering COMPANY (SONOCO).


Participants affected by the scope of this policy include the following:

  1. Employees of SONOCO. This policy shall apply to all full-time, part-time and temporary employees. Employees are expected to comply with the full provisions of the policy, and such compliance is a condition of their continuing employment.
  2. Applicants for Employment. Any individual applying for employment in a position that is covered by this policy will be required to complete pre-employment testing prior to the company extending an unconditional offer of employment.
  3. Third Party Participation. At the discretion of SONOCO, this policy shall be extended to include employees, agents and representatives of any third party who supplies products and/or services to SONOCO, or performs work for SONOCO. Such individuals, while on the property of SONOCO, or on the property or work site of a SONOCO customer, shall be required to comply with the full provisions of the policy as a condition of their ongoing association with SONOCO.


Any individual subject to the provisions of this policy, while on duty, while in, on, or using Company property, or while on the property or job site of a customer, is explicitly restricted as follows:

For the purpose of this policy, "Company Property" is defined to mean all owned or leased real and personal property of the Company. This includes, without limitations, all buildings, land, vessels, automobiles, trucks, equipment and machinery.

  1. The manufacture, use, possession, distribution, transportation, or sale of narcotics, illegal drugs, controlled substances, designer drugs, inhalants, or drug paraphernalia is prohibited.
  2. The misuse of legal drugs and inhalants is prohibited. Misuse includes, but is not limited to, use or possession of any drug for which an employee does not have a valid prescription, or possession in quantities greater than those prescribed.
  3. The use, possession, transportation, distribution, or sale of alcohol or intoxicating beverages is prohibited.


In order to comply with the provisions of this policy, each individual must assume the following responsibilities:

  1. Employees who have been prescribed legal medications that could affect the safe performance of their duties are required to notify their supervisors prior to performing any job duties.
  2. Employees may not report to work nor start working, while impaired by any restricted substance as outlined in Section IV of this policy. Impaired is defined as having alcohol or any intoxicating beverage, illegal drug, narcotic, inhalant or controlled substance in the system to the extent that a urine, blood, or breath/salvia test reports a positive test result.
  3. In order to enforce the provisions of this policy, SONOCO reserves the right to request that individuals participate in proper drug and alcohol testing procedures. SONOCO reserves the right to carry out reasonable searches of individuals and their personal effects, which include, but is not limited to, personal vehicles, wallets, purses, and briefcases. Employees are expected to cooperate fully with any legitimate request from a company management representative.
  4. Employees who are drug or alcohol dependent are strongly encouraged to seek rehabilitative assistance. Voluntarily seeking rehabilitative treatment will not jeopardize an employee’s position with the Company.
  5. Employees are encouraged to come forward and report violations to management. This information may be instrumental in the prevention of serious accidents or even fatalities that are directly tied to substance abuse or alcohol abuse on the job.


SONOCO may require the testing of individuals covered by this policy under the following conditions:

  1. All applicants for employment who are final candidates will be required to submit a urinalysis prior to employment.
  2. Clients of SONOCO often have their own policies regarding substance and alcohol abuse that are incorporated into contracts. Individuals covered by this policy are expected to cooperate with the requests of such clients.
  3. All employees traveling in Company vehicles involved in a single-vehicle, or multi-vehicle accident will be required to provide a urine, breath/saliva and/or blood samples.
  4. All employees who are directly involved in an on-the-job accident involving injuries where medical care is required, will be required to supply urine, breath/saliva, and/or blood samples.
  5. In addition to the above circumstances, SONOCO may ask an individual to submit a urine sample for analysis when reasonable suspicions exist, as determined by SONOCO management personnel.
  6. Every SONOCO employee will be subject to random testing on any work location any time.
  7. After test results have been received, employees will be given adequate opportunity to explain the test results by disclosing any information, to the Medical Review Officer (MRO), that they feel is relevant to the testing process.

SONOCO is responsible for ensuring that this policy is reasonably enforced in a consistent and equitable manner. These responsibilities include:

  1. All tests will be performed under reasonable and sanitary conditions and conducted with due regard for employee privacy.
  2. All samples will be gathered in a manner that ensures that substitution of, or interference with, the sample will not occur.
  3. The Company doctor or a certified representative of the Company will perform any test requested by SONOCO. The doctor or representative will be responsible for maintaining appropriate legal documents, which establish correct identification of the samples. These documents are generally referred to as "Chain of Custody" forms.
  4. SONOCO is committed to providing the highest quality of testing to assure the accuracy of the results.
  5. An employee may obtain information and records pertaining to their test results by directing a written request to the company doctor.


Violation of the various provisions of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

  1. If a pre-employment sample is found to contain any substance prohibited by this policy, the applicant will be ineligible for employment.
  2. Any individual representing or acting as an agent for, or an employee of a third party company is found to have engaged in activities while on SONOCO property or at any job site, will be required to leave the property and will not be allowed to return without the prior, written consent of SONOCO.
  3. Employees found to have violated the provisions of this policy in the areas of use, possession, transportation, distribution or sale of restricted substances will be subject to termination of employment.
  4. Any employee reporting to work under the influence of alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action including up to termination.
  5. Any positive laboratory test report indicating usage of any other restricted substance, as defined in this policy, will result in termination.