Reducing or

Eliminating Hazards

Part 3

Safety Management System 2007

SMS ST053 2007







Lifting and twisting injuries to:

  • Shoulders
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Do not over reach when moving or lifting a mattress
  • Do not stay in one position too long when making up a bunk. Stop and stretch periodically
  • Use correct lifting techniques as much as possible:
  • Do not lift and twist
  • Keep stomach muscles tight
  • Keep back in "S" curve as much as possible
  • Wear Safe-T-Lift belt

    Lifting Injury to:

    • Shoulders
    • Back
    • Arms
  • Lift bucket only when empty, roll when full
  • Empty bucket when transferring if necessary to carry to another floor
  • Do not overreach
  • Push bucket, do not pull it
  • Wear Safe-T-Lift belt
  • PAN

    Lifting injuries to:

    • Shoulders
    • Back
    • Arms


    • Wear correct PPE: Oven Mitts, Safe-T-Lift belt
    • Pull rack out of stove
    • Get help if necessary
    • Use correct lifting methods:
    • Clear path for product to go
    • Choose and clear site for it to be placed
    • Use slow deliberate lifting movements
    • Do not jerk pan of hot food product, it will slosh and possibly splash
    • Keep back in "S" curve as much as possible


    Slip, Trip and Fall injuries

    • Make sure rug is flat to floor
    • Sweep off rug and get as get as much loose dirt off it as possible
    • Always sweep and mop under rugs, sand and dirt under the rugs will make them slide when stepped on
    • If rug starts to turn up on the end, report it to the operator
    • Do not use cardboard boxes as rugs, they will become slippery after use and become a slip hazard


    Slip, Trip and Fall injuries

    • Always be cautious of loose or worn steps or stair covering
    • Be aware of insufficient lighting
    • Look for other hazards: wet spots, clutter and remove or clean up
    • Never run up or down stairs
    • Use the handrail at all times
    • Do not walk with your hand(s) in your pocket(s)
    • Take slow and deliberate steps up and down stairs
    • Do not skip steps
    • When carrying a load, get help if necessary
    • When carrying a load, do not block your vision and keep one hand free to use the handrail

    water bottle

    Lifting injuries to:

    • Shoulders
    • Back
    • Arms
  • Wear correct PPE: Lift belt
  • Use push cart or other apparatus if possible to help move product from one site to another
  • Make sure product is dry to the touch
  • Clear path and check for clear site to deposit load
  • Use correct lifting techniques:
  • Good body positioning: get close to product, bend at knees, keep back in "S" curve
  • Grip product pulling it next to your body, Lift with legs, slowly
  • Put load down in reverse order: keep product next to body, bend at knees, back in "S" curve, lower load