Stretching for

Safe Lifting

Safety Management System 2007

SMS ST066 2007


Recently an employee was unloading groceries when he felt a "stinging sensation" in his shoulder. The employee continued to work and completed the task. Correct lifting techniques were being used. So what could have caused the "stinging to the employee’s shoulder?" Maybe the muscles were not sufficiently stretched prior to doing the task.

The physical stresses we place on our bodies while doing our jobs, are in many ways, no different than those experienced by athletes. Think of the similarities between our work and the actions of an athlete:

As discussed many times, injuries can occur as a result of doing these types of activities. How do skilled athletes who perform the same activities avoid injuries and continue to compete? It starts with flexibility stretching. When you see a runner pushing against a telephone pole or a baseball player twisting a bat behind his back, they are doing flexibility stretching or "warming up."

When muscles are cold and stiff, they are prime targets for damage, but when they are warmed up and stretched, muscles respond to demands without causing strains. To help prevent injuries to yourself, you should start "warming up" before work. The best warm-up is a total body stretching of 5-10 minutes before beginning your shift. If you have a question concerning your ability to perform any of the stretches, consult your physician.

Remember whenever doing stretching exercises:

  1. Relax as much as possible
  2. Breathe deeply and evenly
  3. Never stretch past the point of tension, strain or pain.
  4. Hold each position for a ten count. (1000+1, 1000+2, etc.)







Shoulder Shrug

Raise both shoulders as if to shrug, Slowly lift your arms above your head, then rise up onto your toes. Rotate your hands and then lower yourself down. Relax.

10 X 2 sets

Neck Stretches

Tilt your head slowly left to right and then front to back.

10 X 2 sets

Shoulder Stretch

Bend one arm behind your neck and shoulder. Reach up with the opposite hand and press down on your elbow. Repeat with the other arm.

10 X 2 sets

Upper Trunk Stretch

Place your hands on your hips. Lean your body backwards and hold the position. Return to upright and relax.

10 X 2 sets

Shoulder Rotation Stretch

Clasp your hands behind your back. Bend forward and lift hands upward, Hold this position. Return to upright.

5 X 2 sets