Writing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) |
Safety Management System 2007 |
SMS ST069 2007 |
To review jobs performed by SONOCO employees that potentially could cause injuries, illnesses or damage to equipment or property.
Hazards to doing those jobs safely may be:
THE JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) DEVELOPS SOLUTIONS TO ELIMINATE THESE HAZARDS. These solutions may include making physical changes in operations such as putting a safety guard on a machine or tool, or by developing a step-by-step procedure for handling a task.
In the past, those jobs with the worst accident experience or the worst potential were chosen. BUT ALL JOBS WE DO ARE POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS and the work site is also a hazardous place IF we do not follow set work procedures and stay aware of our surroundings at all times,
Therefore the list of jobs/tasks for JSA’s include all routine and non-routine jobs.
Hazards to look for:
job to be defined |
……… |
written |
remarks |
Making up bunks |
br |
gh |
y |
See JSA: Making a Bunk |
Dusting and wiping down surfaces in the living quarters |
br |
gh |
Sweeping/vacuuming floors |
br |
gh |
c |
Cleaning and wiping down walls in living quarters |
br |
gh |
c |
Cleaning lockers |
br |
gh |
Mopping floors |
br |
gh |
c |
Cleaning stairways (sweeping, mopping, walls, railings) |
br |
gh |
c |
See JSA: Stairway Use |
Cleaning urinals, toilets, stalls |
br |
gh |
Clean sinks, showers, stalls |
br |
gh |
Cleaning shower mats and floor mats (outside showers) |
br |
gh |
Cleaning exercise room |
br |
gh |
Cleaning offices |
br |
gh |
c |
Putting out clean towels/laundry |
br |
gh |
See JSA : Material Handling |
Transporting dirty laundry to laundry room |
br |
gh |
c |
See JSA: Material Handling |
Transporting dirty/clean laundry to/from storage area/grocery box |
br |
gh |
c |
See JSA: Material Handling |
Use of washer |
br |
gh |
y |
See JSA : Washer Use |
Use of dryer |
br |
gh |
y |
See JSA : Dryer Use |
Sort and folding laundry |
br |
gh |
Making coffee and cleaning machine |
br |
gh |
c |
Use of cleaning cart: stocking with cleaning supplies, laundry, use on each floor |
br |
gh |
See JSA : Material Handling |
Cleaning laundry room |
br |
gh |
job to be defined |
……… |
written |
remarks |
Cleaning and sanitizing all work surfaces (dining area) |
gh |
br |
c |
Remember cleaning chemical use |
Cleaning and sanitizing all work surfaces (kitchen) |
Cleaning and sanitizing eating/food contact surfaces |
gh |
br |
c |
Cleaning and sanitizing all work surfaces (kitchen area) |
gh |
c |
br |
Remember cleaning chemical use |
Sweeping and mopping dining room/kitchen |
gh |
br |
c |
Cleaning walls/windows |
gh |
br |
c |
Emptying garbage cans /food scraps |
gh |
c |
br |
Remember safe lifting procedures |
Cleaning and stocking pantry |
gh |
c |
br |
Cleaning/Stocking/Retrieving Items from cooler |
gh |
c |
br |
Cleaning/ Stocking/Retrieving Items from freezer |
gh |
c |
br |
Loading/cleaning drink dispenser |
gh |
c |
br |
See JSA : Material Handling |
Loading/cleaning milk machine |
gh |
c |
br |
See JSA : Material Handling |
Stocking items into overhead storage areas: 1. Pantry 2. Galley |
gh |
c |
br |
See JSA: Material Handling |
Making salads/cleaning salad bar |
gh |
br |
c |
Remember the importance here is food service sanitation |
Stripping/waxing floors |
gh |
br |
c |
Washing/sanitizing dishes (hand) |
gh |
br |
c |
Cleaning sinks |
gh |
c |
br |
Making coffee/cleaning machine |
gh |
c |
br |
Use of food disposal |
gh |
c |
br |
y |
See JSA: Use of Food Disposal |
Use of trash compactor |
gh |
c |
br |
Making tea/cleaning machine |
gh |
c |
br |
Loading and cleaning drink dispenser |
gh |
c |
br |
Using/cleaning ice cream machine |
gh |
c |
br |
Use of knife |
gh |
c |
br |
y |
See JSA: Knife Safety |
Using and cleaning the dishwasher |
gh |
c |
br |
Using and cleaning walk-in coolers and freezers |
gh |
c |
br |
Cleaning offices |
gh |
br |
c |
Cleaning recreation and TV room |
gh |
br |
c |
job to be defined |
……… |
written |
remarks |
Use of mixer(s)/*cleaning bowls |
c |
*gh |
GH may clean the bowl |
Using/cleaning oven |
c |
Cook only |
Using/Cleaning grill |
c |
Cook only |
Use of knife |
c |
y |
See JSA: Knife Safety |
Use of Meat Slicer |
c |
Cook only |
Using/cleaning steam table |
c |
GH |
BR |
Y |
See JSA: Use of Steam Table |
Use of steamer |
c |
gh |
br |
y |
See JSA: Use of Commercial Steamer |
Proper storage of re-usable (food) items |
c |
Using/cleaning of deep fat fryer |
c |
See JSA: Use of Deep Fat Fryer |
Proper thawing of food items |
c |
Proper cooking of food items |
c |
Pulling Groceries (for meals) |
c |
gh |
br |
Proper holding of food @ correct temperatures |
Use of Food Disposal |
See JSA: Use of Food Disposal |
Personal Protective Equipment Use |
c |
gh |
br |
y |
See JSA: Personal Protective Equipment |
Attending emergency drills |
br |
gh |
c |
Unloading groceries |
gh |
br |
c |
y |
See JSA: Unloading Groceries |