Foreign object
(In eye) |
Blown into eye |
- Wear goggles or safety glasses when going outside quarters
- Do not go outside in high winds
Garbage disposal |
Being "caught in" resulting in injury to hands, fingers |
- Follow the instructions on operating the equipment
- If in doubt, seek help from supervisor
grocery box |
- Inhalation
- Lifting, twisting injury
- Foot, hand injury
- Slip, trip, fall
Always air out box for at least 1 minute before entering
Use correct PPE: safety lift belt, steel toe safety shoes, hard hat, gloves, box cutter
Always use correct lifting techniques:
Size up the load, shape, weight, bulk (get help if necessary)
Watch for sharp edges on load
Choose path to take and site for load
Squat, bending at knees
Keep feet shoulder width apart, one foot slightly in front of the other
Tuck chin toward body, keep back in its natural curve
Grip the load, pulling it against your body
Lift the load with the legs
Do not jerk the load or lift and twist
Turn feet in the direction the load is to go
Reverse the procedure to place load down
Remove all obstacles from path
Clean up all wet areas
Watch where you are going at all times
Take your time, do not get in a hurry
Take slow, deliberate steps with feet pointed slightly outward when walking in wet conditions (i.e. outside deck)
Do not carry a load that prevents you from seeing your feet or the path you are taking
Always get help if a load is to heavy or too bulky
hand rail |
Cuts from sharp edges |
- Grip railing loosely with as you walk up or down stairs, do not slide hand up or down railing and be ready to grab firmly if a slip occurs
- If any raised bumps or snags are felt, report them immediately to operator
knife |
Cuts and lacerations |
- Use correct PPE: cutting glove
- Use correct knife for the job
- Make sure it is sharp
- Use correct cutting methods:
- Always cut away from body. Do not hack, use smooth cutting strokes
- Let falling knives fall; never attempt to catch them.
- Do not get distracted, pay attention to what you are cutting
- Do not get in a hurry, take your time
- When using a cutting board, place damp galley rag under board to prevent board from slipping while in use
- Use, clean and store knives in proper place