Back Safety

Part 1

Safety Management System 2007

SMS ST001 2007



As a food service and housekeeping operations we face potential hazards concerning back pain and back injuries. There is the potential for muscular strains and sprains from lifting and moving objects such as:

To understand a "safe lifting system" to prevent back pain and injury you must understand how it (lifting system) affects the entire "back system." If you do, you will better understand how it is possible to prevent back pain and injury. The back is involved in virtually every physical movement we perform:

Back System Anatomy

The back is composed of:

Causes of Back Pain

Correct Lifting Techniques

NOTE: There is a 10:1 ration of lifting pressure on the back vs. the weight of the load being lifted if the load is being lifted correctly. If the load is being lifted incorrectly, the pressure is increased. To help keep this pressure at a 10:1 ratio: